(A Unit of Sri Saradha Gangadharan Educational Trust)
Accredited with B++ grade by NAAC (CGPA 2.92) in Second Cycle,BCA & BBA Recognized by the AICTE
Affiliated to Pondicherry University Recognized by UGC under Section 2(f) of the UGC Act 1956 as a PG Institution
An ISO 9001:2015 certified Institution
The library as a storehouse of knowledge and information makes one mentally sound, morally good and intellectually efficient. Our college has a well-stocked General Library with a total area of 2000 sq.m. and Departmental Libraries.All These libraries have a total of nearly 10700 Volumes of Books. About 10 Magazines and 7 journal s are subscribed regularly. General library established in the year 2000 Departmental Libraries are started in the year 2015. The Library subscribes to 7 periodicals Which include national and international journal s, and national magazines subscribed by various departments Many English and Tamil daily newspapers and magazines are also subscribed.
The Library facilities are fully computerized.The accession,issue and return or renewals of books are carried out through computerization. The General Library has OPAC system.The library is equipped with computers connected to the internet. This helps users to access papers published in e-journals and open-access Journals Online Resource Sharing and access to e-journals is also available by subscribing INFLIBNET.
The facilities and resources available in the Library include;
Newspapers Tamil and English
Reprographic facility
Referebce facility
Circulation facility
Clipping Services D
Display of Information
Internet and Online Service
University Examination Question Paper Back Volume
Reference to Previous year Project Dissertations
Bar coding for accessing books
Computers for Library Administration
Printing facility
Uninterruptible Power Supply
Bibliographical information of all the documents in the library
The availability of bar coding technology in the library