Institutional Development Plan
- Promote multidisciplinary and holistic education.
- Skill Enhancement modules and Certification programs in collaboration with professional bodies (e.g., CISCO, Microsoft, Google).
- MoU’s with National and International Institutions/Organizations.
- Students and Faculty exchange programmes.
- Regular upgradation of the campus infrastructure.
- Encourage start-up and Entrepreneurship by setting up an Incubation Center.
- Mobilization of funds for Research from Central and State Govt. and other funding agencies.
- Additional ICT enabled classrooms.
- Modernization of computer labs.
- Automation of Library.
- Improving Alumni participation.
- Undergo regular accreditation by the appropriate body.
- Established specialized Research Centers for Arts, Science and Commerce.
- Develop Research by Faculty and Students.
- Internship and Apprenticeship programmes.
- Increase student participation in global academic and extracurricular competitions
(e.g., Hackathons, Model UN, international conferences)