General and Department Library

The college has a general library with a collection of over 11,270 volumes of books and 470 reference books on many disciplines covering all major fields of Science, Arts and Management. Besides the general library, each department has its own library, containing the collection of 895 books. The Library subscribes to about 25 periodicals which include national & international journals, and magazines subscribed by various departments. Many English and Tamil daily newspapers are also subscribed for the enlightenment of both staff and students. Under this include E-Resources as it is in website now

Advisory Committee Members

S.No Members
1 Mr. S. Kumar
2 Dr. S. Natarajan
3 Dr. S. Kavitha
4 Mr. R. Saravanan
5 Dr. S. Parameswari
6 Mr. K. Manivannane
7 Dr. N. Hemamalathi
8 Mrs. V. Ann

General Library Book Details

1 Number of Books 11270
2 Number of Journals 10
3 Number of Magazines & News papers 15
4 Reference Books 470

Department Library Book Details

1 Number of Books 895