What you study?

The taught component of the degree normally takes three year duration spread over six semesters. The first year provides the foundation necessary for successful completion of the degree. First year courses are Fundamentals of Computer, Digital Electronics, Mathematics, ‘C’ Programming, Computer Organization and Numerical Methods.

Lateral Entry: Candidates who have passed Diploma in Computer Science / Computer Technology / Computer Applications / Information Technology in I Class (10+3 years of study) are eligible to apply for the lateral entry to the 2nd year of the course subject to availability of seats, but limited to 10% of the sanctioned intake. Such candidates should not have completed 22 years of age as on 1st July.

Applicants from outside Tamil Nadu State Board must obtain the eligibility certificate from the Pondicherry University before admission. Students studying in colleges affiliated to Universities other than the Pondicherry University can seek admission to B.Sc. (Computer Science) on condition that they would adhere to the procedure laid down by the University in this regard.

Eligibility: Candidates for admission to B.Sc. Computer Science shall be required to have passed Higher Secondary Certificate Examination conducted by the Government of Tamil Nadu or CBSE Or other equivalent examination acceptable to the Pondicherry University with Mathematics / Business Mathematics / Computer Science as one of the subjects of study or an examination accepted as equivalent thereto, subject to such conditions as may be prescribed thereof.

Age: Candidates must have completed 16 years and 6 months as on 15th July. Should be below 21 years of age as on 1st July. Age relaxation is applicable to students belonging to the following categories:

  • 3 years for physically handicapped, scheduled castes and scheduled tribes
  • 5 years for nuns of various religious congregation and widows.

Medium: The medium of instruction shall be English.

Fees: Rs. 24,000/- per semester + one-time payment of Rs. 2,500/- will be collected.

  • Semester I
  • Semester II
  • Semester III
  • Semester IV
  • Semester V
  • Semester VI
  1. Language - I
  2. English I
  3. Introduction to Problem Solving using C (DSC-1)*
  4. Digital Logics and Computer Organization (DSC-2)*
  5. Introduction to Public Administration (AECC-1)**
  6. Programming in C Lab
  7. Digital Lab
  1. Language – II
  2. English II
  3. Python Programming (DSC-3)*
  4. Data Structures and Algorithms (DSC-4)*
  5. Generic Elective (GE-1)
  6. Environmental Studies (AECC-2)**
  7. Python Lab
  8. Data Structure and Algorithms Lab
  1. Object Oriented Programming using Java (DSC-5)*
  2. Operating Systems (DSC-6)*
  3. Computer Networks (DSC-7)*
  4. Software Engineering (DSC-8)*
  5. Generic Elective (GE-2)
  6. Skill Enhancement Course (SEC-1)
  7. Java Lab
  8. Computer Networks Lab
  1. Programming with Visual Basic (DSC-9)*
  2. Data Based Management System (DSC-10)*
  3. Discipline Specific Elective (DSE-1)
  4. Discipline Specific Elective (DSE-2)
  5. Open Elective (OE-1)
  6. Visual Programming and DBMS Lab
  7. Skill Enhancement Course (SEC-2)
  1. Web Technology (DSC-11)*
  2. Discipline Specific Elective (DSE-3)
  3. Discipline Specific Elective (DSE-4)
  4. Open Elective (OE-2)
  5. Skill Enhancement Course (SEC-3)
  6. Skill Enhancement Course (SEC-4)
  7. (Online Course/In-Plant Training/Internship/Mini-Project)
  1. Microprocessors & Microcontroller (DSC-12)**
  2. Discipline Specific Elective (DSE-5)
  3. Discipline Specific Elective (DSE-6)
  4. Microprocessors Lab
  5. Project (DSE-13)

*DSC - Discipline Specific Core Course **AECC - Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course